Flat Earth - Fact Vs. Theory
By: Eric Dubay
Flat Earth has long been touted as the mother of all conspiracy theories suppressed and ridiculed for centuries as being ignorant of the scientific worldview, but the facts of the matter are far from what you've been told.
It is a fact not a theory that bodies of water always seek and find their own level from a pond, lake, or an ocean. The natural physics of water is to find and remain level. It is a fact that the majority of Earth is covered in such level water! Thus making it an unscientific theory to postulate that Earth is actually a gigantic sphere with bendy oceans curving all the way around it.
It is an unproven and unscientific theory without observable measurable or repeatable evidence to claim that bodies of water can somehow bend and cling to the exterior of shapes and show convexity upon their surface.
It is a fact not a theory that we are able to observe objects at incredibly long distances far beyond what would be possible if earth were a globe twenty five thousand miles in circumference as we're told. For example, what is a fact is that from Genoa Italy just above sea level it is possible to see the distant islands of Elba Caprara in Corsica 80 to 125 miles away.
It is necessary theory that the globe earth must curve eight inches per mile squared if it really were a ball 25,000 miles in circumference as we're told. Based on such a theory these islands should all be completely hidden behind thousands of feet of curved earth.
It is a fact not a theory that the horizon always appears perfectly flat 360 degrees around the observer regardless of altitude. All amateur balloon, rocket, plane and drone footage show a completely flat horizon as high as we can reach over 20 miles or 120,000 feet up.
It is an observable testable repeatable scientific fact of reality that Polaris the North Pole Star is situated perfectly over the North Pole center of earth never moves a single inch night after night year after year century after century with all the other fixed stars remaining fixed in their relative constellations revolving perfect circles around Polaris. It is also an unobservable unscientific theory to claim that the earth is spinning thousand miles per hour and the Milky Way travels millions of miles per hour off through infinite space when we cannot see, hear, feel or otherwise observe or prove any such motion. We can see clearly for ourselves Polaris never moves and all the other stars revolve around it.
This is just a brief introduction to the many observable, testable, repeatable, scientific facts of our level motionless plain earth that have been suppressed and ridiculed for centuries in favor of various unobservable, untestable and unscientific theories purporting we live on a tilted wobbling spinning ball shaped earth.